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Scouts Behaviour Policy




The primary aim of Scouts if for everyone to have fun doing a varied range of activities that challenge and engage all those who take part. We want everyone to get involved and enjoy themselves, and the leaders take a lot of time to organise and deliver activities that are accessible to all and which hopefully everyone will benefit from.

Whilst the leaders are conscious of the fact that Scouts isn't school (and neither would be want it to be!), all members of the troop need to respect the fact that the smooth running of the programme, can only be achieved with the cooperation, respect, and a reasonable amount of self discipline, of all. Poor discipline and obstructive behaviour often leads to other members of the troop not enjoying activities, and in certain circumstances can be dangerous if it prevents leaders from actively managing situations which involve some risk e.g. outdoor activities.

The Scout section has introduced a formal behaviour policy which is outlined below. The following behaviour is typically what the leaders find unacceptable:

  • Not listening to instructions or talking when asked to be quiet. 
  • Refusing to get involved in activities or games for no reason.
  • Obstructing other scouts taking part in activities or games.
  • Any verbal or physical conduct or abuse that is offensive or disrespectful to any member of the troop, leader or scout such as : 
    • Use of inappropriate language such as swearing
    • Name calling or teasing
    • Violent or aggressive behaviour, or inappropriate physical behaviour
  •  Repeatedly not turning up in the specified uniform for an activity or troop night.

There is a formal set of escalations that will be invoked if any of the leaders witness any behaviour that broadly falls into the above categories:

  1. The Scout will get a formal verbal warning to stop the offensive action or to get involved in the current activity.
  2. If the Scout persists in offensive action or continues to refuse to take part in the activity, following a formal verbal warning, they will receive a Yellow Card.  No more than two Yellow Cards will be issued to a Scout in any one activity day or troop evening.
  3. Yellow cards will be given to Scouts stating the reason for the yellow card.  Scouts are required to take the card home and discuss their behaviour with their parents / carers.  For the Scout to attend the next meeting, they will need to come with a parent / carer and confirm their commitment to good behaviour to one of the leaders.
  4. If a Scout receives a third Yellow Card in a School Term, this will be converted to a Red Card, and the Scout will be asked not to attend the next troop meeting. The leaders will also contact the parents to explain why this action has been taken.  For the Scout to attend the next meeting, they will need to come with a parent / carer, confirm their commitment to good behaviour to one of the leaders, and provide a letter of apology.
  5. Notwithstanding the above set of escalations, if any action by a Scout is deemed to be dangerous, excessively offensive or violent, e.g. physical assault, the leaders may issue a Red Card immediately and either escort the Scout home or contact the parents to come and collect them.

If any parent wishes to discuss any aspect of this behaviour policy, please get in touch with one of the adult leaders who will be happy to discuss it. 



Yellow and Red Cards will be in a format similar to below :









This yellow card has been issued in accordance with the 2nd Herne Bay Scouts Behaviour Policy, a copy of which appears on our website : www.2ndhernebay.co.uk


To :  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 Date :   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Reason :







Scouts are required to take this Yellow Card home and discuss their behaviour with their parents / carers.  For the Scout to attend the next meeting, they will need to come to the start of the meeting with a parent / carer and confirm their commitment to good behaviour to one of the leaders.








This red card has been issued in accordance with the 2nd Herne Bay Scouts Behaviour Policy, a copy of which appears on our website : www.2ndhernebay.co.uk


To :  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 Date :   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Reason :







Scouts are required to take this Red Card home and discuss their behaviour with their parents / carers.  This Red Card excludes the Scout from the next meeting. For the Scout to attend the subsequent meeting, they will need to come to the start of the meeting with a parent / carer and confirm their commitment to good behaviour to one of the leaders.  A letter of apology from the Scout must also be provided.



Page last updated on Feb 7, 2014
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